Thursday, March 18, 2010

Ready for the most random questions known to quiz history?
Yeah, whatever. Bitch.

Last person you showered naked with?
Myself. Other than that, Jer.

Your best friend has sex with your ex, what happens?
I'd probably slap her and tell her to wake the fuck up, haha.

What happened last time you got drunk?
The last time I was legitimately drunk, I threw up and passed out. Simultaneously.

Have you taken off someone’s pants recently?
My own?

Do you bite your toe nails?

If someone said to you “nice ass” you say?
Thanks, I grew it myself.

Your friend kisses the boy/girl you like, what do you do?
I'd be pretty fucking pissed off at both of them.

Last thing you said out loud?
"Oh my god."

Last time you laughed your head off?
Today :)

What do you want right this second?
A cutie in my arms, and for my tummy to stop hurting.

How are you sitting?
On a chair with my legs up.

Can I have your number?
Can I have it? Can I? Can I have it? Can I have yo numbah?

Your mood?
Slightly annoyed, hah.

Do certain alcohols make you have different emotions and what?
Nope. I'm a happy drunk.

If you could change one thing this year about your life would you?
I'd really like some more money, please. And to not be sick anymore.

Would you be surprised if your most recent ex called you tonight?
No, probably not.

Honestly, who was the last person to tell you that they love you?
My mom probably.

Did you sleep alone last night?

This time last year, can you remember who you liked?

Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow?
Yes I do.

Does it matter to you if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?
Nope, just as long as they don't get carried away with it.

Do you find piercings attractive?
Yesss yes yes.

What were you doing last night at midnight?

Waiting for something?
Sunday or Monday would be nice.

Was yesterday terrible?
No! It was beautiful! I was out in shorts (with tights) and a teeshirt :)

First middle and last name please?
Sara Catharine. That's all you're getting. hah.

Whats your favorite number?

Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
I want my tattoo so badly.

Who is your last received call from?
My brother I think.

Do you think the last person you kissed cares for you?
I sure hope so.

How many cigarettes have you smoked today?

Do you have a hard time admitting you’re wrong?

Have you ever kissed underneath the stars?

Do you like potato chips?
Just plain and salt and vinegar. That's all.

Do you give out second chances way to easily?

Ever stayed up all night on the phone?
Nope. I hate the phone. And I like my sleep too much.

What were you doing at 10:00 this morning?
Starting class.

What did you do last night?
Tried to go downtown, then turned away and came home, then ate perogies, and then went to bed.

Explain why you last threw up?
It was Monday and I had 24 hour flu :(

What cell phone company do you use?

Have you text voted for an American Idol?
I've never watched it.

Hot tea or Iced tea?

What was the weather like today?
Beautiful! :)

Where did your last hug take place?
In Mack with Rebecca.

What are you excited for?
School to be over, and to work.

Last person you spoke to?
With my roommates right now.

Are you ticklish?

Are your ears pierced?
Five times.

Do you chew on your straws?
Sometimes. It depends.

Do you have curly hair?

Where did you go today?

What 1 item do you always pick up at the grocery store?
Err.. tomatoes :)

What is something you say a lot?
Who knows, haha.

Do you think you are pretty?
Lawlz no.

What are you doing tonight?
Sleeping, haha.

What was your last missed call?
I don't know, I don't have call display.

Do you have a nickname?
Not really.

What are you listening to?
Whining, haha.

Is there anyone you like right now?
I like a lot of people!

Did you cry today?
No, but I'm PMSing so I probably will later when I realize that I'm lonely. Hahhh. Fail.

How big is your bed?
Double at school. Queen at home.

Do you know someone with the same birthday as you?
Oprah, fuck yeah!

Do you have a globe in your house?

Number of pillows you sleep with?

What type of watch do you wear?
My phone.

Can you play pool?

Craziest place you have slept?
Bathtub/floor of my bathroom.

Would you ever lie to get an ex back?
No. If they're not in my life right now, they're not meant to be.

Have you ever been cheated on?

Do you still love your ex?
Nope. None of them. There are absolutely no feelings, shitty or otherwise.

Ever kissed your friend’s boyfriend or girlfriend?

If given a chance, would you like to have your ex back?

Does anybody have a tattoo with your name on it?
No hahaha. If anyone got a tattoo with my name on it, other than family, I would probably just shoot them for being so fucking stupid.

What last made you laugh?

What were you doing last night around 3 am?
Sleeping. for once.

If you HAD to kiss someone right now, who would it be?
Anto :)

Have you ever slapped someone?

What was the last thing you drank?

Do you think there are circumstances when it’s okay to wait for someone?
Waiting around never amounts to anything. Unless they're on tour with their band and they're coming home to you in a month. Then it's okay.

Is there anyone in the room with you?
Yep, Phil.

Are you wearing anything on your feet?

What’s your last scar from?
Uhh... a cut on the back of my leg.

Can you count on anyone to be there for you, always?
My mama.

Do you ever miss your past?
No. I mean, I miss aspects of it. But why dwell on it? There's no point. It's now; it's here. Live it.

Is it possible to be single and happy?
I'm really happy when I'm single, actually! I have way more me-time, and friend-time, and family-time. I love it.

Is it easier to forgive or forget?

Will you sleep alone tonight?
I will sleep with my teddy bear. and probably some books. However, books do not make very good cuddle buddies.

Do you think being “heart broken” is as bad as people say?
It depends on how bad the break is.

Do you prefer ily, or i love you?
I love you.

Who’s car were you in last?
A taxi.

Would you rather date someone older than you or younger?
Older. I'd feel like a pedophile if they were younger. I'm pretty young myself.

Are you aiming at anyone while doing this?
Aiming? Like aiming a gun? Or do you mean "this is pointedly toward _____"? No to both.

Will you have a boyfriend/ girlfriend in 6 months?
Oh, who knows.

Have you ever been so embarrassed that you cried?
When I was little, yeah.

Do you live near your friends?
YUP. And with some of them :)

Let’s test your memory shall we?

You’re single right?

How long was your last phone conversation you had?
Five minutes, just on my walk home so I didn't get jumped.

Who was it with?

Excited for anything?
Summer and working.

You had sex last night, didn’t you?
Haha, I wish.

What’s one thing you like about winter?
When the snow falls really lightly at night under the street lights. And sitting by the fire. And curling up with a good book on the couch on snow days.

Do you have drama in your life?
Not too much, thankfully.

Do you find smoking unattractive?
Unfortunately I find it very, very appealing.

Are you afraid of falling in love?
My subconscious is, hahaha. But I'm getting better.

Can you crack your back?

Is there anyone you wouldn’t mind punching in the face now?

Anything happen to you in the past month that made you really mad?
Being sick. And my friend possibly being jilted for the millionth time when she's actually the sweetest girl ever.

Have your friends ever randomly stopped by your house?
All the time when I'm in Guelph?

If you got kicked out of your house, where would you go?
Guelph house.

Are you hard to please?
No. Give me some chocolate or a hug and I'll be pretty fucking content.

The person you fell hardest for texts you at 4 am saying “come outside” you say?
I'd probably sleep through it and then wake up at 11 am to it... then I would look out my window and if they were still there I'd go out and ask what they wanted.

Do you forgive easily?

Has anyone ever told you they were in love with you?

Last time you were in a car, who were you with, where were you going?
A taxi with Michelle and the driver, going home.

Next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
Hopefully early next week :)

Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?

What have you done today?
I got up at 8:30, got ready for school, went to school, sat through class, sat outside with the roommates at school, came home, did dishes, hanging out with Phil now!

Is there anyone that can always make you laugh?

How many people can you trust with just about everything?
Not many, but those who I can are the best.

Did you wake up in the middle of the night last night?
No! For once! but I did wake up at 7 am this morning.

Where’s the person you want to see most right now?
Finishing work back in my home city.

Did you stand on your tippy-toes for your last kiss?

Is there a person you CANNOT stand?
Ugh yes.

Who have you text today?
Rebecca, Anto, Michelle, Brendan.

Do you say the F word a lot?
Unfortunately yes.

Would you hug the last person you hugged again?

Is any part of your body sore?
My tummy :(

What color do you want to dye your hair?
RED. More red than it is now. I wanna be Ariel.

How many states have you lived in?
I'm not American, but I've only lived in one province.


  1. "Waiting around never amounts to anything. Unless they're on tour with their band and they're coming home to you in a month. Then it's okay."

    Hahaha you're too funny. Also I know for a fact you've dated someone younger than you. Pedo. ;D

  2. That a pretty long one but I am glad that I read it.

  3. Hahaha Eleanor, I knowww I am :P considering it was like a year and 11 months difference! ahahaha.

