Wednesday, February 3, 2010

dancing in libraries

Here I am, sitting in a corral in the library at my university, listening to some Prince Caspian and dancing slightly in my seat.
Today I am feeling good.
Yes, good.
Can you believe it? I have nothing to complain about, other than the fact that my back is freaking out due to midterm stress. But the past two days have been very productive and great for me. I can't believe I'm even taking the time right now to blog. That's how busy and productive I've been. Zero breaks. It feels great but I know I can't keep pushing myself because I will eventually burn out. I'm just hoping that I don't burn out until after my two midterms on Monday.
Yesterday, the day started off hectic. My alarm decided not to go off. Luckily, the great MC texted me which woke me up with ten minutes to spare before I had to leave to catch my bus. I quickly got dressed, slapped on some mascara, grabbed my purse and coat, and was out the door like lightning! Me? Ready in ten minutes?! Are. You. Serious.
Anyway, it was a great class that we sat through which was also when I went through the Elie Saab couture line. After class, MC and I went to the archives to complete a project and the absolute sweetest girl was working there and helped us out. She was great and I wanted to take her home with me and feed her Cheerios (because feeding others Cheerios is something I like to do). After that, I went home and cleaned the entire house, typed up my weekly journal for a class, and completed the project that I had to visit the archives for. I even took the time to shower, and -gasp- shave my legs. Never have I ever been that happy to shave my legs. Remind me to never neglect my outward appearance for three and a half weeks ever again. I also did my eyebrows. Win.
I also phoned my potential place of work and was told I've been chosen for the next step of the hiring process. I have to go in on the 15th for job simulation and an application process. This job will allow me to work shifts for four months and collect a generous sum of money which will pay for next years tuition, rent, utilities, and groceries and hopefully will still allow me to have spending money throughout the year. Needless to say, I am going to bust my ass for this job. There is no way I am not going to get it. There is simply no way in hell I am not getting this job.
Anyway, today I got up early (with no help from my alarm clock, ONCE AGAIN), and met MC on campus, grabbed a nice breakfast of Tim Hortons bagel and coffee, and then moseyed on over to the library to do some studying for one of our midterms. After that, we went to find some more images for our project, I got my change of programs letter signed, and then went to three hours of class which were absolutely glorious. I am not kidding. I love my semester of all art history classes. I absolutely love it.
After that, I came back to the library where I now reside and worked on my research for my midterm for another hour and a half. Now I am taking a half hour break before I finish up my photo project. Also, I'm texting a cute boy. How much better could these days get? I am stoked. Please don't let this feeling end.
I hope you are all being as productive as I am, because this feels absolutely great. I'm so excited that I'm this stoked on life right now and it's all because I am no longer sick and dragged down by Days Of Birth.

Moreover, I enjoy being MIA with regard to the internet and my phone like I was yesterday.
It's such a good feeling to not rely on anything or anyone but myself.
Well, it's time to do my photo project quickly and then scurry on home to make myself something to eat. I hope you're all having a lovely day.

Also, I am a Little Monster. (Love you GaGa).

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