Wednesday, January 27, 2010

survey one

Is there a person you wish you could fix things with, and why haven’t you?
Yeah, because I'm stubborn.

What’s something you’re not looking forward to?
Err... doctor appointment, dentist appointment, annnd midterms.

Have you ever turned to drinking or smoking to solve a problem?
Not "turned to" it, no. Done it because I was offered/just wanted to have fun instead of feeling like absolute shit for a couple of hours, yes.

Have you seen someone recently you used to talk to, but don’t anymore?
Yep. On campus. It's awkward.

Do you think it’s a bunch of lies when people say “I have no regrets."?
No, I think people can have no regrets. I think people may not be exceptionally happy with the choices that they've made, but I figure if it's made you the person that you are, then you shouldn't regret it.

If your best friend(s) needed somewhere to stay, could they live with you?
Yes of course! They're always welcome to both my home in Hamilton and my home in Guelph!

There's a serial killer inside your house. What do you do?
Kill him. Kill him good. Or go Spencer Reid on his ass.

Would you be the dumb person who gets killed first in a movie?
No. I'd outsmart the murderer. If it was a sea monster I'd be killed first though.

Do you get scared during scary movies?
Rarely. I think they're pretty funny.

Where do you want to live when you're older?
Paris, France. New York City. Toronto maybe?

Are you the same person as you were at the beginning of 2009?
Nope, not at all.

Have you ever kissed anyone you weren't dating?

Was there something that "made your day"?
Skipping school with my mom :)

Are you on any type of drugs?

Anyone of the opposite sex been on your mind lately?
A couple of people.

How do you know the last person you were in a car with?
She gave birth to me.

Where did your last hug take place?
The car.

Is there something you're looking forward to?
My birthday and Saturday :)

Do you believe in second chances?
Seventy times seven.

Whats something you need to get done?
Get a job. Catch up on readings once I get my books.

Whats your favorite color?
Black. Grey. Purple. Yellow.

What was the most boring thing you did today?
Sit here on facebook, haha.

Have you ever gotten burnt by a cigarette?

What's the last letter of your middle name?
E, and A.

What kind of tea do you like the most?
Peppermint and raspberry and Passion tea right now. Camomile will always be the love of my life, though.

Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?
Eleanor and Anto.

Did you cry at all today?
Almost. My mouf hurt so bad at the dentist and I was swallowing pints of blood :(

What are/were you doing at twelve this afternoon?
Visiting my Oma to bring her food.

Have you ever kissed someones who's name started with a N?
Err... I could say no but I might be lying?

What does your 9th text in your inbox say?
It's a Twitter, haha.

Plans for Saturday?
Going home with Becca, then family dinner at the Old Mill for my birthday, then ABSINTHE! So stoked!

Do you like your music loud or at a reasonable level?
Loud, usually.

Did the last person you kiss have a tattoo?
Yes, he's quite covered in them, actually.

Could things possibly get any better?
If I won the lottery, yes. There's always room for improvement.

Do you like being single?
Yeah, it helps me get my head on straight. I enjoy the shit out of it.

Do you like when people play with your hair?
Soooo cuuuute. Play with my hair and I'll probably swoon super hard.

When you're getting ready for something, do you listen to music?
Depends on what I'm doing and how available music is at the time.

Who is the last person you ate with?
Rebecca. She made curry soup and garlic bread and I had a piece of garlic bread with her :)

Would you ever try being a vegetarian?
I haven't had red meat in like... seven years? And at the end of this month I'm cutting out chicken again :) really excited.

Is there anyone you know that deserves to get slapped?
Haha, I'd slap one girl in particular. And then I'd punch her in the stomach. (I just fucking love making fun of this, have you noticed?)

Have you ever made out in a park?
Not fully made out, but kissed and was cute, yes.

Are you good at hiding your feelings?
Some people can read me pretty well, but I hide the things I need/want to hide very, very well.

If you were upset who is the first girl you would go to?
Either my housemates, my mom, or Brooke.

Who were you in the car with last?

Any plans for new years?
We just had New Years. I stayed home by myself and a bottle of Crown.

Have you ever kissed on a boat?
I'm going to say no?

Would you rather have big or small dogs?
Either. Big dogs make me feel safe. Small dogs just make me want to cuddle them to bits, always.

Did the one person who hurt you the most in your life apologize?
No. They won't, either.

Do you want kids?
Yes! I want to be a mommy one day, so bad!

Whats something you want right now?
Something fried with a lot of calories. OR an entire chocolate cheesecake. Or something garlicky. I cannot have the first two, so I'll take something garlicky. Cue guacamole.

Are you okay with making a total fool of yourself?
Pretty much.

Anyone ever call you beautiful?
Huh yeah.

Do you have any tattoos?
None yet.

Do you have someone you can be your complete self around?
Lots of people. I love it!

When was the last time you said the word sorry?
Probably today. I say "sorry" a lot.

What's your favourite season?
That awkward transition between Summer and Fall.

Everything happens for a reason, right?
Fully. Yes.

Have you ever tried gatorade?
Yeah. It replenished my body after drinking a lot so I could go to Jimmy Choo.

Are you taller than 5'6"?

Do you like the colour blue?
I do, but not navy blue. It reminds me of my high school, and everybody knows how GREAT that time in my life was....

Where were you 20 hours ago?
At home in Dundas taking care of my daddy.

Do you like surprises?
I hate surprises. Just fucking tell me already. Or don't tell me you have a surprise for me and just give it to me. I hate the anticipation.

Last person you kissed?
Kissed my mama goodbye! But legit kissing would be Anto.

Do you have any plans for tonight?
Going to the mall with Rebecca to get hair dye, dying her hair, and movie watching. Then sleep. Hell yes.

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