Friday, April 23, 2010

my day in great detail

Yesterday, I:
-Woke up
-Ate toast
-Drank too much coffee
-Missioned to school
-Wrote my last exam
-Freaked out because I was done
-Missioned home
-Watched Bridget Jones's Diary
-Broke my Skullcandy headphones
-Dad picked me up
-Said goodbye to my roommates
-Came home
-Did laundry
-Ate dinner with my parents
-Packed my suitcase
-Went to buy new Skullcandy headphones
-Went to Shoppers
-Went to Metro
-Came home and Naired...
-...then showered (!)
-Finished packing
-Watched Erin Brockavich
-Got into bed

The end.

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