Monday, April 19, 2010

day twenty-four: fancy tickler

Stolen from MC!


- Available: I'm not looking.
- Age: Twenty.
- Annoyance: Crazy bitches in the library, and having to study.
- Animal: Sloths are pretty cute!

- Birthday: January 29th.
- Body part on opposite sex: Forearms.
- Best weather: The awkward transition between summer and fall.
- Been on stage?: Yes.
- Believe in magic: Of course!
- Believe in God: Some sort of god, yes.
- Believe in Santa: Nah.

- Candy: Chocolate. Jujubes. Jellybeans.
- Color: Black. Purple. Grey. Bronze.
- Chinese/Mexican: Are we talking food here? Chinese.
- Cake or pie: BOTH.
- Cheese: I fucking love cheese but it hates me.

- Day or Night: Sunny days, warm nights.
- Dance in the rain?: With someone you love :)

- Eggs: I don't like eggs unless they're baked in something.
- Eyes: Light brown.
- Ever failed a class?: No.

- First crush: Andrew in like second grade, haha.
- First thoughts waking up: Where'd my shirt go?
- Food: Baked asparagus! TONIGHT DINNER!

- Greatest fear: Deep water/panicking.
- Goals: Make a shitload of money this summer. Make you fall in love with me.
- Gum: Excel.
- Get along with your parents: Yes sir.
- Good luck charm: I carry something around with me in my purse all the time.

- Hair color: Naturally, dirty blond. Currently, red.
- Height: Five feet, nine inches.
- Happy: I try to be!
- Holiday: Next one is FRIDAY!
- How do you want to die: Either quietly and safely, or I'll go out with a bang.

- Ice cream: I can't eat it anymore :( I really like Rolo though.
- Instrument: Piano and bass.

- Jewellery: Necklace.
- Job: Toyota!

- Kids: I want a little girl! Brighton :)
- Kickboxing or karate: Both.
- Keep a journal: This. And Tumblr.

- Love: Is beautiful and true.
- Laughed so hard you cried: That's the absolute best.

- Milk flavor: Don't drink it.
- Movie: Elizabethtown. Amelie. Feel good movies are the best.
- Mooned anyone: Yep.
- Marriage: One day :)
- Motion sickness: Rarely. Just roller coasters.

- Number of siblings: One.
- Number of piercings: Six.
- Number: Seven.

- Overused Phrases: I don't know, haha.
- One wish: I'd like an unlimited amount of money please.

- Place you’d like to live: Toronto, New York, Paris.
- Perfect Pizza: Tomatoes and broccoli and pineapple!
- Pepsi/Coke: Neither.

- Questionnaires: Good for avoiding studying.

- Reason to cry: Hope and love.
- Reality T.V.: I don't watch TV.
- Radio station: 102.1 The Edge,
- Roll your tongue in a circle: Nope.
- Ring Size: Usually seven or eight I guess?

- Song: Stars.
- Shoe size: Nine.
- Salad dressing: Oil and vinegar or Italian.
- Sushi: Fuck yes!
- Skipped school: A couple times.
- Slept outside: Once?
- Shower daily?: Hahahahahaha no.
- Sing well?: No ahah.
- In the shower?: No! That's one of my greatest fears haha.
- Strawberries/Blueberries: Strawberries. I don't like blueberries.

- Time for bed: Not for a while yet :(
- Thunderstorms: Love them.
- TV: Criminal Minds.
- Touch your tongue to your nose: I can if I press my nose down ahaha.

- Unpredictable: Fully. My mood swings are like woah.

- Vegetable you hate: Red peppers :( or rather, they hate me.
- Vacation spot: Somewhere warm, or Europe.

- Weakness: Love and chocolate.
- Wanted to be a model: Would be nice, but I don't have the face or body for it haha.
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: None?
- Who makes you laugh the most: I'm not sure. A lot of people.
- Worst weather: Winter.

- X-rays: Teeth?

- Year it is now: Twenty-ten.
- Yellow: Sunce.

- Zoo animal: Red panda :)
- Zodiac sign: Aquarius.

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